오늘 읽은 기사 Focus on phonics to teach reading is ‘failing children’, says landmark study ftm2156 2022. 1. 20. 15:34 728x90 https://www.theguardian.com/education/2022/jan/19/focus-on-phonics-to-teach-reading-is-failing-children-says-landmark-study Focus on phonics to teach reading is ‘failing children’, says landmark study Government urged to drop emphasis on synthetic phonics in English schools as not backed up by latest evidence www.theguardian.com Focus on phonics to teach reading is ‘failing children’, says landmark study 공유하기 게시글 관리 고양에서 이것저것 메모 저작자표시 동일조건 '오늘 읽은 기사' Related Articles 미 해군, 백신 접종 거부자 23명 전역조치 "96만원 해외 결제" 문자에..장모님이 당할뻔했다 구독할 필자 이주엽 작사가 비닐지퍼백 '지퍼', 잘라낼까 그냥 버릴까